Wednesday, February 23, 2011

thin mints.

i'm not fat. i am a normal person, i am a normal person that has been sitting on her butt for most of the winter because its been too damn cold to drive to the gym. i am also a normal person who, when it's warm, likes any aquatic land mass (except for the lake because i hate mud in between my toes) and also likes wearing as little clothing as possible on said aquatic land mass. that being said  i decided on Monday that i was going on a little diet. Nothing too crazy just a little less binging, and a little more celery. i have been doing awesome, no fast food, lots of fruits and vegetables and no junk i was really happy for myself...until today, when the door bell ring...around 7:30. i start to think to myself "seriously, i'm trying to watch Teen Mom 2. who the eff could this be?" i open the door, and to my shock stands a little girl, but not just any little girl. no, this girl was a girl scout. and in the girl scouts hand was a bag...and i bet you can guess what was in the bag, my worst nightmare. Thin Mints and Samoas. who in their right mind would do this to me? no, she didn't have the wrong house, no someone wasn't playing a sick joke. these cookies were for me, my mother thought it would be a good idea to buy enough cookies for the 3rd world. i'm now convinced she wants me to eat so many cookies that i explode  and so she no longer has to support me financially.

thank you girl scouts of america for single handedly undermining my entire summer. 

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